Want to Advertise on From New to ICU?

What a perfect opportunity to advertise for your company! From New to ICU is just for nurses. Nurses come to this site looking for nursing school information, medical supplies, nursing knowledge, or interesting medical articles. Nurses, nurses, nurses! If you are looking to advertise to the nursing community, this is the perfect opportunity! Unique visits and page views are increasing each month so get started now!

Medium Ad: This 200 x 200 pixel image will be posted in the sidebar to be seen on every page of From New to ICU. Nursing students will search through many nursing school program reviews and see your ad on every single page!

Large Ad: This 200 x 1200 pixel image will be posted at the bottom of whatever pages you request. The most valuable ad spot is on the main nursing school review search page. The majority of students searching for programs will see your ad at the bottom of this page. If you are a local company, you can always post your ad on a particular state's (with nursing programs) page at a reduced rate.

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