As nurses, we administer a large variety of medications: cardiac medications, pain medications, electrolytes, anti-anxiety medications, antibiotics, sedation, etc. I usually think of the most common effects that a drug will have on a patient when I administer it.  What I don't usually think about is all of the other uses for that drug. Look at this interesting study about Ketamine (a procedural sedation drug) and what researchers are saying it can be useful for.

AuthorCourtney Tracy

Do you think it would make a difference what time of day you get your flu shot? British researchers have found that the time of day you get vaccinated greatly impacts  your antibody production. Read more to find out when to get your flu shot next year!

AuthorCourtney Tracy

Have you ever made a medical error as a nurse? They are not as uncommon as you might think. I have watched in urgent situations as mistakes are quickly made (luckily no harm to the patient happened as a result). Could it be true that medical errors are the number three cuase of death in the US?

AuthorCourtney Tracy

It feels like there is always a new update on the devastating effects that the Zika Virus has on developing fetuses. There have now been multiple cases of twins who only one of the two babies are affected by the Zika Virus.  How is this possible?  How does the virus actually work?

AuthorCourtney Tracy

I think it is an amazing and impressive statistic to have diabetes diagnoses increase by such astounding amounts. Although there are some modifiable risk factors when it comes to diabetes, much of the treatment of disease comes down to simple diet and exercise.

AuthorCourtney Tracy