Craniosynostosis is a birth defect in which the bones of the skull prematurely fuse.  This causes skull to develop an abnormal shape and can cause cognitive issues if severe enough.  Interventions include either endoscopic or open surgery. Why would you choose one over the other?

AuthorCourtney Tracy

There are so many different types of radiology studies that patients can undergo. What do they all mean? Here is a brief overview of the most common radiology studies that are performed in the hospital.

AuthorCourtney Tracy
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Home health nurses play an extremely important role in caring for individuals who need extra care at home.  One major role that they can play is helping to educate caregivers and keep patients out of the hospital. The relationship between home health nurses and caregivers is extremely important.

AuthorCourtney Tracy

Do you struggle with your head to toe assessments? There is so much to remember and you want to feel competent around your patients. Here is a great overview of the body systems and what you should be paying attention to in your assessment.

Have you ever thought about doing critical care nursing?  Or wondered what it is actually like? There's definitely a big difference between the television drama version and the real life hospital version.  On the television, the ICU is full of doctors constantly coding patients and then the patients thanking them as soon as their heartbeat comes back.  Is this what the ICU is really like?  


AuthorCourtney Tracy

I remember when I started as a new nurse feeling very intimidated by tracheostomies (or as most people call them - trachs, sounds like trakes). I was terrified that it was going to fall out or that I was going to injure the patient while managing it.  I've since worked with them for six years in the ICU and feel very comfortable with them now.  Hopefully this helps you to be at ease that trachs are not bad to manage!

AuthorCourtney Tracy