An infant or toddler with a body temperature of 102°F (38.9°C) or higher might experience febrile seizures. The seizures can last for a few minutes and can trigger a scare for nurses, parents, or their caregivers. Learn more about febrile seizures and what to do in this situation.

AuthorCourtney Tracy

My first experience with death in the hospital was quite traumatizing. Helping families cope with the death of a patient can be a very intimidating (and scary) task.  Hear about my experiences with death in the ICU and what I've learned to become a better nurse. 

There are multiple types of bone fractures that can occur in your patients. Do you wonder which type of fracture they have? Jessica from wrote a great post that can be your guide to identifying common types of fractures. 

AuthorCourtney Tracy

An omphalocele is a birth defect in which the abdominal organs are outside of the baby's body in a transparent sac.  This defect occurs in utero during the first trimester of pregnancy. What do we do to treat this condition? How do we care for these patients?

AuthorCourtney Tracy

Craniosynostosis is a birth defect in which the bones of the skull prematurely fuse.  This causes skull to develop an abnormal shape and can cause cognitive issues if severe enough.  Interventions include either endoscopic or open surgery. Why would you choose one over the other?

AuthorCourtney Tracy