Concordia University BSN


Basic Information: Concordia University is located in Portland, Oregon.  High school students apply to the program and are admitted as pre-nursing majors.  If they meet certain criteria they will automatically advance to the BSN program. The information below will mainly be applicable to transfer students.

Must Dos: Transfer students must apply to Concordia University and to the College of Nursing. High school students must apply to Concordia University as pre-nursing majors.

Program Length: This program is 38 credit hours long and is meant to be completed during the junior and senior years of schooling.  The program starts the summer semester before junior year.

Nursing Prerequisites: Courses include Research & Statistics, Chemistry I/II, Microbiology, Nutrition, and Anatomy & Physiology, and Biochemistry.  A list of all prerequisite and general education classes that must be completed prior to applying can be found here.  Students must also attend classes at CU for one continuous year and take at least 24 credit hours during that time prior to the start of the nursing program.

Prior Classwork Information: Students must complete all prior classwork with a GPA of at least a 3.0 or higher.

Application Information: The application information for Concordia University can be found here

Admission Tests: Students must take the Admit to Major Examination at Concordia University in the spring semester prior to the start of the Summer BSN cohort.

Tuition: Tuition information can be found here

Financial Aid/Scholarships: Financial aid information can be found here.  Scholarship information can be found here

Updated: July 2018.