Delaware State University BSN


Basic Information: Delaware State University is located in Dover, Delaware. This program is set up for the entry-level freshman wishing to gain their BSN or transfer students who have completed their general education requirements. 

Must Dos: Students must apply to Delaware State University and the College of Nursing.

Program Length: Four years in total. The nursing program is the last four semesters or two years.

Nursing Prerequisites: Courses include Anatomy & Physiology I/II, College Algebra, English Composition I/II, Psychology, Statistics, Sociology, two Arts/Humanities classes, Fitness & Wellness, Speech, Chemistry for Health Sciences, Development Psychology or Growth & Development, Global Societies, Microbiology, Pathophysiology, African American Lit, African American Exp, and Foundations in Nursing. All prerequisite classes must be completed with at least a C or better.

Prior Classwork Information: Students must have at least a C in all classes prior to being admitted to the program. Cumulative GPA must be at least a 2.8.

Application Information: Applications must be submitted by the third Monday in March by 1600 Eastern time. The application to the College of Nursing can be found here. Application information can be found here. The application to Delaware State University can be found here

Admission Tests: Students must take the National League for Nursing Pre-Admission Exam (NLN-PAX). Math, Verbal, and Science scores should be at least 45% in each area.

Tuition: Tuition information can be found here

Financial Aid/Scholarships: Financial aid information can be found here.  Scholarship information can be found here