Fairleigh Dickinson University BSN


Basic Information: Fairleigh Dickinson University is located in Madison, New Jersey.  This program is set up for entry directly out of high school.

Must Dos: Students must apply to Fairleigh Dickinson University and to the College of Nursing.

Program Length: Four years total with the last two years in the nursing program.

Nursing Prerequisites: High school recommended courses include English, Chemistry with Lab, History, Biology with Lab, College Preparatory Math, Physics, and a Foreign Language.

Prior Classwork Information: It is recommended that students have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA.

Application Information: The application to Fairleigh Dickinson University can be found here

Admission Tests: The SAT is required for admission to Fairleigh Dickinson University and the College of Nursing.

Tuition: Tuition information can be found here

Financial Aid/Scholarship Information:  Financial aid information can be found here.  Scholarship information can be found here