University of California Irvine BSN


Basic Information: This branch of the University of California is located in Irvine, California. This program is set up for the entry-level freshman wishing to gain their BSN or transfer students who have completed their general education requirements.  In Fall 2015, there were 2,215 students who applied to the nursing program and 78 who were admitted (3.5% admission rate). 

Must Dos: Students must apply to the University of California Irvine and to the College of Nursing.

Program Length: From start of freshman year to graduation, the program lasts four years.  Nursing courses are completed in the last two years of the program. The course curriculum can be found here

Nursing Prerequisites: Courses include General Chemistry I/II/III, Psychology, Sociology, Principles of Public Health, Genetics, Organic Chemistry, Philosophy, Biochemistry, Statistics, Anatomy & Physiology with Labs, and Microbiology with Lab. Students must also have completed 36 general education credits.  Prerequisites must be completed with a C or better.

Prior Classwork Information: If you are admitted to the nursing program as a freshman, you do not have to reapply as a sophomore for the program.  In Fall 2015, the average GPA was 4.25 and average SAT score was 1925.  If you did not get admitted as a freshman, you can put nursing as your second choice for a major and reapply during your sophomore year.

Application Information: Application information for the University of California Irvine can be found here.  Students must apply to both the University of California Irvine and the College of Nursing by November 30th. These applications are available starting October 1st. The application for the University of California Irvine can be found here

Admission Tests: No admission tests other than ACT or SAT taken during high school. Students should receive at least a 550 on the SAT in the areas of critical reading, mathematics, and writing.

Tuition: Tuition information can be found here

Financial Aid/Scholarships: Financial aid and scholarship information can be found here