University of Colorado BSN


Basic Information: The University of Colorado is located in Aurora, Colorado. This program is set up for the entry-level freshman wishing to gain their BSN or transfer students who have completed their general education requirements. 

Must Dos: Apply to the University of Colorado, take prerequisite classes, and apply to the nursing program.

Program Length: Five semesters long after you have completed your prerequisite and general education classes.

Nursing Prerequisites: Courses (and a form for keeping track of coursework) can be found here

Prior Classwork Information: Must have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA.  Must have achieved at least a "C" on all classwork in order to be considered for transfer to the University of Colorado. All admission information can be found here

Application Information: Dates for all of the applications deadline for the College of Nursing can be found here.   Once you have been accepted, you start the following summer semester.  The nursing school application can be found here.  The application for the University of Colorado can be found here.

Admission Tests: The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) must be taken if your primary language is not English. 

Tuition: Tuition information can be found here

Financial Aid/Scholarships: Financial aid and scholarship information can be found here.  

Updated: May 2018.