University of Maine BSN


Basic Information: The University of Maine is located in Orono, Maine.  This program is set up for the entry-level freshman wishing to gain their BSN or transfer students who have completed their general education requirements.

Must Dos: Students must apply to the University of Maine and to the College of Nursing.

Program Length: The program is four years total.

Nursing Prerequisites: A list of all courses completed prior to and during the nursing program can be found here.  All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of a C or better. Science GPA must be at least a 2.75.

Prior Classwork Information: Students must have a cumulative GPA of at least a 3.0.

Application Information: The application information for the University of Maine can be found here

Admission Tests: No admission tests listed.

Tuition: Tuition information can be found here

Financial Aid/Scholarships: Financial aid information can be found here.  Scholarship information can be found here