Michigan Nursing Schools

Nursing schools and programs in Michigan

Nursing Schools in Michigan

Michigan has 4 really great nursing schools.  They have Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), Registered Nurse (RN) to BSN programs, and Accelerated BSN programs.  To learn more about the various nursing school programs available in Michigan click on a school below!

Basic Michigan Demographics

Michigan became the 26th state in 1837.  The capital of Michigan is Lansing.  In 2015 Michigan had an estimated population of 9,883,640 people.  The state's largest city is Detroit followed by Grand Rapids, Sterling Heights, Ann Arbor, Lansing, and Flint.  Considered The Great Lakes State, Michigan is a great state to start your nursing education!

Nursing Resources in Michigan

From New to ICU’s goal is to provide information and resources to current nurses and future nurses alike.  We have compiled a list of great resources in Michigan for nurses.   Check out our list of Michigan Nursing Resources.


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