Michigan State University BSN


Basic Information: Michigan State University is located in East Lansing, Michigan.  This program is set up for the entry-level freshman wishing to gain their BSN or transfer students who have completed their general education requirements.  There are 120 students admitted each year with approximately 2-3 times the number or applications per seat available.  The average GPA for cohorts admitted have ranged from 3.52 to 3.79.

Must Dos: Students must apply to Michigan State University and to the College of Nursing.  Students must complete 56 credits and prerequisite classwork before applying to the program.

Program Length: Four semesters total.

Nursing Prerequisites: Courses include Anatomy & Physiology, Cells & Molecules, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Microbiology with Lab, Pathophysiology, Eco of Human Lifespan Development, Nutrition, Psychology, Statistics, and University Writing. Students must complete each prerequisite course with a grade of C or higher.

Prior Classwork Information: Students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher.

Application Information: The application for the College of Nursing can be found here.  Application deadlines for the College of Nursing are October 1st for spring admission and March 1st for fall application.  The application information for the Michigan State University can be found here.

Admission Tests: No admission tests listed.

Tuition: Tuition information can be found here

Financial Aid/Scholarships: Financial aid information can be found here.  Scholarship information can be found here